What would you do if the Internet suddenly no longer exsisted? I was just thinking yesterday how much we rely on it. I for one, am addicted to it and it's proving to be pretty lethal with me now being able to connect from the flat! I could cope without a mobile phone and I would know what to do if I broke down on the motorway, but I would miss the Internet.
Skype is a lifesaver! I was on Skype with my nana yesterday. My Aunty and Uncle took her to my mum and dads and then for a day out to Blackpool, and I had a Skype chat with her! It was brilliant being able to see her and talk to her! I'd not seen her since Christmas! I don't think she had any idea how it was working - I just appeared on a screen to her! Skype has also played a part in me beating homesickness while I have been living in Spain!
The other thing which I am totally addicted to on the Internet at the moment is the BBC coverage of the Olympic torch relay. Here:
www.bbc.co.uk/torchrelay you can watch a live stream of the torch being carried all over the place! I don't know why, but it is strangely addictive. I can't wait for it to get up north and it should go right past my house on it's way to Blackpool (but only in convoy!)
Will you be watching the Olympics? I can't wait for it. I love the Olympics. It's either a love it or hate it kind of thing I suppose. A lot of people I have asked say that they won't be watching it. But I think it's extra special when it's happening in your own country.
That's all for today!