Sunday, 1 July 2012

Tour de Fleece 2012

The 'Tour de Fleece' on Ravlery kicked off yesterday! If you don't know what it is, then it's a big Spin-along which coincides with the Tour de France. All the spinners on Ravelry join in and aim to spin a bit of wool each day. You can set your own goals and there are lots of different groups / categories you can join.
I am in the Rookies team - for beginner spinners or first time Tour de Fleecers. I am in the Breakaway group for people having a go at art yarns. I plan to spin some Wensleydale curls when I get back home. And I am also in Lantern Rouge - for those who don't think they will be able to spin every day. I am going to give it a good go!
Here is my Day 1 effort:
I have had this bit of Wensleydale sitting at the bottom of my bag for ages. It's a bit compacted and needs a lot of drafting out but it spins up quite well.
I have created a new page on my blog for the Tour de Fleece, so if I don't get to blog every day I can upload photos there!